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Suggest material for ClipFlair Video - ClipFlair project  Viewed 7670191 time(s), 658 post(s), 11/20/2012 3:17:26 PM - by Admin

2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
6/3/2014 11:37:17 AM

You can upload (attach to replies) video files suitable for educational or free use (or in form compatible with "fair use" concept, e.g. < 3 min) here. Please mention the license under which the material is available and the needed attribution.

How? Just follow these four simple steps:
1) make sure the filename of your video does not contain special characters and spaces.
2) post a reply to this topic (Video), attaching the video to your reply through the "Uplad" button. If the file extension of your file is not accepted, JUST ADD IT TO A .ZIP FILE AND UPLOAD THE ZIP INSTEAD.
3) when a gallery moderator uploads your files, they will mark your reply as answer (shows a blue mark) for you and other moderators to know it has been handled. The moderator will only reply if there is an issue with your video file, e.g. if the file has been renamed to remove special characters and spaces.
4) then you have to add information about the video. If you don't know how to access the video metadata form, ask the admin or a ClipFlair partner member.
5) any changes will appear in http://gallery.clipflair.net/ the next day. In any case, the file is accessible through the video metadata form: When you select your file from the dropdown menu there it shows the URL.

Rated 5.00, 1 vote(s). 
2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
12/21/2012 2:18:48 PM


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60 Reputation 4 Total posts
12/4/2012 3:03:37 PM

This site also has videos (this is indicated in the search, bar, where you can browse for materials in video, image, sound format). Please note this resource is in Spanish:

Banco de Imágenes (image bank) for educational purposes. Licence: CC Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike, further details below.

"El Banco de imágenes y sonidos es una iniciativa del Ministerio de Educación, llevada a cabo a través del Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas, que tiene como objetivo fundamental poner a disposición de todo el conjunto de la comunidad educativa recursos audiovisuales que faciliten y estimulen el desarrollo de contenidos educativos.

Los recursos incluidos en el Banco de imágenes y sonidos están sujetos a una licencia Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual)(CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), en consecuencia, las acciones, productos y utilidades derivadas de su utilización no podrán generar ningún tipo de lucro y la obra generada sólo podrá distribuirse bajo esta misma licencia. En las obras derivadas deberá, asimismo, hacerse referencia expresa a la fuente y al autor del recurso utilizado."

Rated 5.00, 2 vote(s). 
2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
12/21/2012 11:24:02 PM

I added the following Smooth Stream URL
to the Video Gallery page to use with the Media component in ClipFlair Playground (accessible from the "Playground/Play" menu at this website).

the old one would load but not play, seems there was an issue because in the previous version it was starting with a number (it was 2_portugues_usacasco, now I renamed it to portugues_usacasco_2 and converted again the original video file to a smooth stream)

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3362 Reputation 200 Total posts
12/11/2012 8:56:15 AM

Hi George,

I send two little movie fragments we use in our first 2 activities for Romanian. The format is wmv and the licence is CC BY NC.
BTW ... mp4 format can't be uploaded here ...


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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
12/13/2012 7:41:04 AM

thanks for the comment regarding mp4, I'll see to updating the list of file extensions allowed for uploading

btw, there seems to be an issue with attachments, if they have a space character in their name (avoid it for now), tried with Mozilla to download them and I get say "Romanian" with no file extension for both items above (and have to rename them after to the filenames it shows as tooltips when I move the mouse over each movie icon here: "romanian something.wmv" and "romanian something else.wmv")

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
12/13/2012 8:01:17 AM

the Expression Encoder that our system uses for conversion into Smooth Streams says those two WMV files are corrupt. However they seem to play OK in Windows Media Player (the 1st one has a bit long black period at start, was it like that in the original video too?)

what tool did you use to encode / cut them?

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3425 Reputation 460 Total posts
4/30/2013 7:47:05 AM

Hi again Cristina,
do you have those 2 files in .MP4 format as well? Can you try uploading them as a .zip file here?

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
3425 Reputation 460 Total posts
12/19/2012 11:49:26 AM

ClipFlair's Media component can also play Windows Media Streams (an older Microsoft technology, before Smooth Streams)

e.g. you can use that URL from TV5 mms://a341.v09806.c980.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/341/980/v1/mediaplayer.allocine.fr/nmedia/18/63/99/97/18727527_fa1_h.wmv

I found that URL by going to
then opened one of the video pages and there I right clicked in the webpage and selected "View Source"

Then I pressed CTRL+F and searched for WMV and found the URL (then copy-pasted it to the "Media Source" option at the back of the ClipFlair Media component)

after some buffering time it starts playing (in contrast Smooth Streams support almost instant playback by starting with lower quality for the first few seconds, but cache those first seconds of the video too at higher quality for future playback)

Rated 5.00, 1 vote(s). 
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