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Hi George, Could you upload this video of National Geographic? I have edited it so it is less than 2 minutes. In their web page it says that it is free of use for educational purposes. Thank you, Carme
Could you please upload the clip attached? Thanks! Raquel
Hola Raquel! Here is the clip, very interesting! Un beso
Gracias, Roula. If you could upload this one too? Thanks! Raquel
Done. If you add metadata, you will also see your clips in the Gallery. If you don't know how to add metadata, pls send me a PM Thanks!
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Hi ÁNGELAFREIRE Unfortunately the files you sent cannot be encoded properly. Could you convert them to .mp4 and send them again? Thanks!
wmv should be accepted by the encoder unless some third party codec was used in it. Can try free Miro Video Converter tool to make .mp4, then send again
Hi, Could you please upload these three clips from Spanish movies in the Gallery for our translation and Spanisch as foreign language activities? Thank you. Alba
Hi Alba! Thank you for the contribution! You will find the three videos here: