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Suggest material for ClipFlair Activities - ClipFlair project  Viewed 8449586 time(s), 694 post(s), 11/20/2012 3:15:44 PM - by Admin

698 Reputation 56 Total posts
3/29/2013 7:38:56 PM

Thank you George. Just one thing, something happened in the 'visitbritain' activity and the first part of the instructions was deleted. This is the right link where I have checked that the instructions are complete: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/75453726/visitbritain.clipflair.zip
I can prepare the tutorial with what I have and this activity is the second one my students will perform, so there is no rush. In any case, let me know once the new version of the activity is uploaded.
By the way, did you manage to create a way for the studio to allow users to save the whole revoiced audio in one file?

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
3/31/2013 7:31:21 PM

Hi Noa, just changed that red square to a black one (red is the REC circle) as it should have been from the start (had noticed it, but had forgotten to comment on it to our designer)

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4592 Reputation 329 Total posts
4/1/2013 8:57:01 AM

I suggest a very dark (red) button for stop recording instead of black.

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698 Reputation 56 Total posts
4/2/2013 5:40:40 AM

Dear George,
Please let me know when Visit Britain activity is updated. I paste the corresponding part of the post I wrote last week on the subejct below:
'Something happened in the 'visitbritain' activity and the first part of the instructions was deleted. This is the right link where I have checked that the instructions are complete: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/75453726/visitbritain.clipflair.zip'
I look forward to your reply.
Thanks for your help.

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
4/2/2013 11:25:13 AM

Hi Noa,
sorry hadn't noticed your post, just uploaded the file.

Stavroula also has access to the activity gallery for file replace so in the future if something is urgent you can also notify her.

also, please note that I renamed to CamelCase style (PascalCase to be accurate, since the other is camelCase [inner chars caps, not first one]), that is each word starts with caps. So in the future if you send the file for replace, send it as VisitBritain, not visitbritain (same goes for new files).

The web server is on Windows (IIS), not UNIX/Linux/OS-X/etc. so it does not care about the letter case (treats visitbritain and VisitBritain as the same file). However the case helps us and also creates more readable URLs for display to the users, plus is better for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) since some word breaking algorithms for URLs also take in mind the caps I think to find word breaks (and index those words in the URL for search) when you have concatenated text in the URL

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909 Reputation 80 Total posts
4/2/2013 11:28:20 AM

Dear George,

I have noticed that the last few activities in http://gallery.clipflair.net/activity/list.html
have no image associated.

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4592 Reputation 329 Total posts
4/2/2013 2:21:10 PM

Sara, thumbnails are manually created for the moment. Once we have metadata for these activities (activity description forms) I'll also create the thumbnails.
I think that George plans to have them created automatically, but he's busy with the save all audio to a single wav file at the moment.

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682 Reputation 39 Total posts
4/3/2013 1:12:00 PM

Hi George,

I've just noticed that the revised activities I uploaded on the previous page (12) of the feedback forum have not been added to the list of activities. Could you please replace them?

I also wanted to add .srt file to the revoicing component to the CF Studio (Rosetta Stone Revoicing exercise), but when I import the file, I only get the time codes but not text. When I import the same file in the captioning component, it works OK. I've tried to attach the .srt file to this post, but it's not possible - this extension is not on the list of the possible files. Could you look into this?


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682 Reputation 39 Total posts
4/3/2013 1:22:35 PM

I'm also adding two more exercises to be placed in the gallery.
Thank you!

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4592 Reputation 329 Total posts
4/3/2013 1:38:27 PM

Agnieszka, when you import an .srt file in the revoicing component you don't see the text, because the captions column is hidden in the revoicing component.
Flip the component (click on options) and play with the columns visible to see what I mean.

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