4/2/2013 11:25:13 AM
Hi Noa,
sorry hadn't noticed your post, just uploaded the file.
Stavroula also has access to the activity gallery for file replace so in the future if something is urgent you can also notify her.
also, please note that I renamed to CamelCase style (PascalCase to be accurate, since the other is camelCase [inner chars caps, not first one]), that is each word starts with caps. So in the future if you send the file for replace, send it as VisitBritain, not visitbritain (same goes for new files).
The web server is on Windows (IIS), not UNIX/Linux/OS-X/etc. so it does not care about the letter case (treats visitbritain and VisitBritain as the same file). However the case helps us and also creates more readable URLs for display to the users, plus is better for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) since some word breaking algorithms for URLs also take in mind the caps I think to find word breaks (and index those words in the URL for search) when you have concatenated text in the URL
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