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Suggest material for ClipFlair Activities - ClipFlair project  Viewed 8528122 time(s), 694 post(s), 11/20/2012 3:15:44 PM - by Admin

145 Reputation 10 Total posts
3/24/2015 11:16:45 PM

Hi Stavroula!
Here is the file in mp4 format.
Can you please upload the video ?
Many thanks

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145 Reputation 10 Total posts
3/30/2015 7:31:08 AM

Hello !

I was wondering if you could let me know what's happening with the mp4 file I sent last week ?  Can you let me know if there is a problem ? I'd like the activity to have it's own link. Would that be possible ?
Many many thanks

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4592 Reputation 329 Total posts
3/30/2015 9:38:40 AM

Hi Anna, the video is available here:  http://studio.clipflair.net/?video=Shrek1
Now that you're done with step 1 from the process below, you can continue with the rest of the steps described below:

1. Post an mp4 video on the ClipFlair forum > video  (as you've done before, only the wmv was a problem).

2. You will get a link with the video. Click on the link and build an activity around it. For example, drag and drop your subtitle file and a text file with instructions (e.g. a Word file).

3. Save the activity with a short name, e.g. Shrek1-Cap-EN.clipflair

4. Post the .clipflair file on the ClipFlair forum > activities.  You will get a link with the activity which you can share.

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3425 Reputation 460 Total posts
3/30/2015 1:55:27 PM

if you already have an activity where you were using a local media file, you can flip over the Clip component by pressing the wrench button on its titlebar and paste the Media URL from Stavroula's post above to the respective field there. Then press the wrench button to flip over again and see if the video stream plays Ok. Then save the activity.

btw, I recently added functionality to see the movie frames while you scrub the timeline (drag the time knob that is left/right)

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145 Reputation 10 Total posts
3/30/2015 3:41:45 PM

Hi Stavroula and George,
Many many thanks for the support.
It all worked fine  except for one thing : I think the video in the clipflair  link 's shorter than the original in the file. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong ?
Can you help ?
Many thanks

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145 Reputation 10 Total posts
4/2/2015 8:44:05 AM

Hello !
I'd like to add this activity.
Thank you 

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145 Reputation 10 Total posts
4/7/2015 9:22:15 AM

Hello !
I've uploaded  another version of the Shrek video. I hope it's ok.
Many thanks !!

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145 Reputation 10 Total posts
5/27/2015 1:55:10 PM

Here is the link to an activity on clipflair      http://studio.clipflair.net/?activity=Shrek1-Cap-EN.clipflair
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but when I click on the link, I get a message that I have to download and install silverlight  , which I have.  But I still can't see the activity. Or the people I have sent it to. 
I think I'm missing a step in the  process of watching it.
Can you please help ? 
Thank you very much and apologies

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4592 Reputation 329 Total posts
5/28/2015 9:53:44 AM

Hi Anna,
You are probably using Chrome. If you try it with Internet Explorer it will probably work.
For a solution with Chrome, see here:  https://zoomicon.wordpress.com/2015/05/26/fix-enable-silverlight-other-npapi-plugins-at-chrome-web-browser/

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95 Reputation 9 Total posts
3/24/2017 8:44:34 PM


We finally got some activities ready, could you please upload this one? Also I'd like to know how to access the metadata form.

Thanks so much!


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