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Feedback on ClipFlair Social Network website People Search  Viewed 56931 time(s), 3 post(s), 2/3/2013 5:16:09 AM - by George

3425 Reputation 460 Total posts
2/3/2013 5:16:59 AM

from Laura: I tried to use the Search People function in Groups (from within the
Learn English group) but it doesn't seem to work. It doesn't do anything
for me. It should be enough to type the name of one of the participants, correct?

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
2/3/2013 5:27:27 AM

Indeed at Mozilla it doesn't seem to work. We have an update to the latest underlying platform (MonoX) scheduled, will need to check this again after the update. Hopefully the update will fix this issue

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1381 Reputation 88 Total posts
2/3/2013 6:40:23 PM

Thanks. I tried with Explorer and it worked.

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