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Feedback on ClipFlair Studio application Captions grid: Audio Column  Viewed 70303 time(s), 3 post(s), 11/14/2012 3:45:42 PM - by kostask

73 Reputation 5 Total posts
11/14/2012 3:45:43 PM

In Captions grid ( Audio column ) I'd like to see different message on mouse over for every icon(rec, play open, save).
Looks confusing displaying the same message for every icon.

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
11/22/2012 10:37:58 AM

was showing current status (e.g. errors etc.) as tooltip, now showing tooltip for each button and errors as messagebox

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3425 Reputation 460 Total posts
7/6/2014 7:02:30 PM

note that there is an issue currently with captions that have Audio - they have to use different [StartTime,EndTime] pair to be saved correctly

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