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ClipFlair Forums. Create discussion topics and get answers

Feedback on ClipFlair Social Network website Forum posts list need more skinning  Viewed 85914 time(s), 3 post(s), 11/13/2012 5:46:46 PM - by George

3425 Reputation 460 Total posts
11/13/2012 5:46:46 PM

Forums post list (shown at the right handside on your profile page) need more skinning to shown links with green like in the activity stream

another question is if we should show one's activity stream there instead (only their activity though, not all of their friends activity) instead of forum posts list

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3425 Reputation 460 Total posts
11/13/2012 5:47:41 PM

also the time there should show under the URL for each item, not next to it (now half of it gets wrapped to next line)

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823 Reputation 79 Total posts
11/14/2012 9:29:44 AM

Done. Looks a lot better... (my history.txt updated)

Rated 4.00, 1 vote(s).