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Feedback on ClipFlair Studio application Captions as pills on timeline  Viewed 82554 time(s), 1 post(s), 11/26/2012 1:31:36 PM - by Stavroula

4592 Reputation 329 Total posts
11/26/2012 1:40:25 PM

1) Have option to show captions as "pills" on the timeline showing captions as tooltips
2) Try to make them moveable and resizable (drag from left/right edges) to change their start and end time
3) Create separate timeline component reusing SMF's timeline control. Allow to bind Captions to it (either from Player or CaptionsGrid) so that it shows captions as pills on there (see [1]). Make it show the timeline inside a scrollpane and allow zooming in the horizontal dimension. When resized vertically it should scale to take up available space.
4) with [3], have option to show caption text on the caption pills (apart from the tooltip)

Rated 5.00, 1 vote(s).