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Suggest material for ClipFlair Activities - ClipFlair project  Viewed 7986581 time(s), 694 post(s), 11/20/2012 3:15:44 PM - by Admin

367 Reputation 23 Total posts
2/22/2013 12:06:25 PM

Hi all,

I'm posting our first activities for Euskera (Basque).
One of them is in process because we don't have the video yet, but on Monday we´ll send you.

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
2/22/2013 12:07:15 PM

the idea is that you'd give it the same height of some other component on the screen or something like this (not a very big value)

that is you'd change the 2875 below with say 400

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<CaptionsGridView xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

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771 Reputation 50 Total posts
2/22/2013 12:16:08 PM

Hi George

Thanks for uploading my activities in the gallery. For the 'Lucas y sus hermanos' one, I created two versions, one with all the captions and labelled as 'hecho' and now I'm attaching the second one labelled as 'sin hacer' with some captions missing for the children to fill in. It would be good if you could add it in position 30, just before the other one I sent. At least, until we decide how we're going to deal with our activities and their responses.

thanks and good w/e for everyone:)

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
2/22/2013 12:14:45 PM

I also did some renaming there, e.g. RosettaStone_Revoice_TranslateToPolish_NoTimecodes.clipflair.zip

no need to have ClipFlair_ prefix in names, also see that you don't have multiple file extensions like .clipflair.clipflair.zip. E.g. when you save don't type .clipflair at the end, it should add .clipflair.zip by itself at save. If you want to type in a file extension at the save dialog you have to give the full one (.clipflair.zip)

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
2/22/2013 12:19:01 PM

btw, I somehow managed to corrupt that fillTheGaps file, looking into fixing it

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
2/22/2013 12:29:25 PM

Hi Marga, try to not give spaces at filenames, because then URLs use HTTP encoding like %20 for the space char which makes the URL hard to read. Also, there seems to be an issue here, where if you click to save an attachment with a space char, it saves the name up to the space

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
2/22/2013 12:33:45 PM

also, if your files start with the same prefix (say Lucas_ or RosettaStone_) then you're sure they'll end-up together in the list (sorting by name)

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
2/22/2013 12:47:22 PM

Since I rename some activity files (and may do more renames for consistency) in the gallery, before sending a new version of an activity for replacing previous file, make sure you name it exactly as named in the gallery (drag and copy-paste the filename from the gallery and then rename your local work copy to be the same)

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
2/22/2013 2:28:06 PM

btw, I updated ClipFlair Studio to write formatted XML in those options files I was speaking of above, like the following, so that if one wants to read the file for troubleshooting or for editing some setting by hand, they can easily do it with Notepad too (before it was showing it in one single line without linechanges and indenting)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CaptionsGridView xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">
  <OptionsSource i:nil="true" />
  <Position xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Windows">
  <Title>Captions - To add more, click on the bubble 'Add caption at current time'</Title>
  <Source i:nil="true" />

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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
2/22/2013 3:52:48 PM

Note that I've updated ClipFlair Social menus, with a Gallery menu that have Activities and Media submenus. Please prefer to use the menus at http://social.clipflair.net to find the gallery listing (or see the file store directly at http://gallery.clipflair.net). The social.clipflair.net/Pages/Gallery.aspx url that may have been mentioned above will change to something else most possibly so avoid using it.

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