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Suggest material for ClipFlair Activities - ClipFlair project  Viewed 7986086 time(s), 694 post(s), 11/20/2012 3:15:44 PM - by Admin

3425 Reputation 460 Total posts
5/1/2013 9:19:16 AM

So the Text component's state was:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TextEditorView xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/Views">
<Height xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">630</Height>
<ID xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">4d54e3b1-b8b0-4ed0-8ccc-78a589bcb9dd</ID>
<Moveable xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">true</Moveable>
<Opacity xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">1</Opacity>
<OptionsSource i:nil="true" xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View" />
<Position xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Windows" xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">
<Resizable xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">true</Resizable>
<Title xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">Text</Title>
<WarnOnClosing xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">true</WarnOnClosing>
<Width xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">456.11572265625</Width>
<Zoom xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">1.2145748987854248</Zoom>
<Zoomable xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">true</Zoomable>
<Source i:nil="true" />

and I changed Y from 0 to 100 above. It is interesting that it wasn't some negative number, but 0 which should be showing in the screen (have to check this out and maybe set a higher limit instead of 0 for the top-left bound). Attaching the fixed activity file

I also noticed that I have a type there, saying Views instead of View at the data contract of the Text component state, resulting in seeing all those xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View" in its child entries. Will try to fix it and see if it breaks loading of saved state of Text components in already created activities (which would be bad)

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4592 Reputation 329 Total posts
5/1/2013 10:30:12 AM

Hola! Alguien me puede ayudar a corregir estas instrucciones? Gracias!

¿Cómo estás? Aquí tienes una actividad para practicar un poco y pasarlo bien en buena compañía: Penélope Cruz, Marisa Paredes y Cecila Roth en una escena de  "Todo Sobre Mi Madre" de Pedro Almodóvar.

Tiene dos partes y puedes hacer la que quieras, o hasta donde quieras, depende de tu tiempo libre. Para la segunda parte necesitas auriculares. 

Cuando acabes, guarda tu actividad pulsando el botón ¨save activity to file" (botón en la barra negra en la parte inferior de la página). Después, puedes enviárme el fichero, si quieres. 

El sonido de la película está desactivado. Los primeros subtítulos están casi listos pero les faltan trozos. Sin escuchar la película, intenta poner el verbo en la forma correcta o rellena con la preposición adecuada. Ya conoces bien este tipo de ejercicio :) 

Activa el sonido de la película pulsando el botón con la imagen "altavoz" en la parte inferior de la ventana del video.
Escribe las frases que oyes en los subtítulos correspondientes.

 Si te pierdes y quieres empezar de nuevo desde el principio, actualiza la página (refresh page).

¡Que te lo pases bien!

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909 Reputation 80 Total posts
5/1/2013 4:23:25 PM

Hola Roula,
El texto está casi perfecto. Enmiendas pequeñas:
- enviarme va sin acento
- "RELLENAR HUECOS" creo que es correcto pero yo diría "llenar vacíos"
- "rellena con la preposición adecuada" --> completa?
- "Que te lo pases bien" --> Me suena mejor "Que lo pases bien" pero no sé por qué... :-(

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4592 Reputation 329 Total posts
5/1/2013 2:28:00 PM

¡Gracias, Sara, eres un tesoro!

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1273 Reputation 65 Total posts
5/2/2013 8:07:36 AM


en la frase "Escribe las frases que oyes en los subtítulos correspondientes." yo diría "oigas"

espero no llegar muy tarde...


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424 Reputation 32 Total posts
5/2/2013 11:08:02 AM

Dear Stavroula

Please upload my activity. The file name is"Polite_Conversation.clipflair.zip".

Thank you,

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255 Reputation 21 Total posts
5/2/2013 12:29:48 PM

Dear Roula or George,

Could you please upload the activity I am attaching?


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2550 Reputation 349 Total posts
5/3/2013 8:20:46 AM

I fixed the TextEditor component's view data contract so that it's .options.xml file is now more human readable. In case this causes any trouble with loading activities (either older saved ones or newly saved ones) that contain the Text component let me know. I have added a Details dropdown at the error dialog now where you can use CTRL+A to select all error detail text and CTRL+C to copy the error text to send to me.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<TextEditorView2 xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://clipflair.net/Contracts/View">





  <OptionsSource i:nil="true" />

  <Position xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Windows">












  <Source i:nil="true" />




It seems the issue with components' titlebar getting out of the container area is the per-component zoom. Components keep their position in the original coordinate system of their container, so when zoomed (they get zoomed arround their center point) in they may get their bounds outside of the scrollable area.

- So I have to put some constraint at the zooming function to limit the zoom up to the point they fit in the container,

- also could allow one to drag the component from any of its points (as long as its content doesn't use the mouse drag at that point). In the text area that would mean you'd be able to drag it from its toolbar which is still visible a bit in most such cases (can't drag in the text itself since the select text action would grab the mouse event and mark it as handled) to move the component into a place where it's more visible.

- another feature that could help could be a hotkey to turn the component over and edit its settings (then you could change the zoom property's value for the component or its position property)

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255 Reputation 21 Total posts
5/8/2013 10:26:21 AM


I am sending you the two activities I need to pilot tomorrow morning (!). I
filled in the corresponding forms last week and I have sent the activities to you twice,
but I cannot find them in the Gallery. Is there anything I should do before you
upload them? If so, please let me know.

The problem is that I am going to pilot the activities in someone else's
classes, and tomorrow is the only day I can do that.

The activities are called:
Turma da Mônica_Apresentação
Rotina diária

Thanks in advance,


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255 Reputation 21 Total posts
5/8/2013 5:05:10 AM

Hi, George,

The activities I sent you yesterday to be uploaded in the gallery are still marked as spam. I send them again just in case.


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